Help your loved one adjust to the changes brought by a health condition.
group of children solving a puzzle

Medical social workers help seniors, children, families, and even caregivers in managing the inevitable changes due to health problems. Families often desire to maintain their loved one’s quality of life and preserve their independence right at home. But, adjustments to this new lifestyle can be challenging. At Apec Healthcare Services, Inc, we have designed a set of medical social services to help you cope with these changes.

Our medical social services include, but not limited to:

  • Counseling
  • Assessing psychological stability
  • Educating families about their loved one’s condition
  • Advocating for our patients’ rights under the law
  • Helping families adjust financially
  • Boosting our patients’ mental and social health through a variety of activities

For questions or inquiries about this service, please call us at 301-775-6257 or 240-462-2596, or you may use our online form.

Our Mission

Our mission as a care provider is to make sure that the clients we serve, both children and adults, get to stay safe and well in the comfort of their home. We also strive hard to deliver the appropriate care for them through the latest advancements of care.

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